"We've spent $200 million in advertising and $40 million in consulting fees just to keep our nose above water--there has to be a better way!" - Fortune 500 CEO

Optimizing Channel & Supply Chain Management 
Traditionally, companies have been able to succeed within a go-to-market model in which direct and indirect materials management, distribution and sales channel management and marketing management operated as individual, indirectly-related activities.

However, the dynamics of the “Next Economy” have accelerated the need for companies plto integrate these functions in an attempt to squeeze incremental operating margins from a price-pressured, level-demand marketplace. All well and good, but what is missing is the integration with the demand chain. With the growing power of distribution channels to demand product specifications, pricing and delivery requirements, a focus on COGS efficiencies without sufficient consideration of the demand chain expenses will result in a zero-sum game.

Which is why AHPL has developed its “Channel and Supply Chain Management” practice. A practice that combines leading edge knowledge and best practices in two of the most critical success factors facing any company looking to improve its overall organic growth and profitability. With specialists in distribution and retail channel optimization as well as next-generation SCM leaders, AHPL brings marketing-driven analytics, strategic development and marketplace to the challenge of creating and moving goods through the system more profitably. Our practice consists of two major areas of focus:

  • Channel Optimization
  • Supply Chain Management
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